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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Adventures in Latkes

I think I must be a Jewish Grandmother trapped in a Vietnamese Buddhist's body. The sound of Yiddish is music to my ears and I have been known to crave chopped liver. But above all else I love making and eating latkes!

I like to make my latkes with a mixture of sweet potatoes and russet potatoes to give it color and more of those good vitamins. Served with light sour cream and applesauce, these latkes make a festive, easy-to-create party treat or snack.

To Make Latkes:

2 large sweet potato, grated by hand or in a food processor
1 large russet or Yukon Gold or Russet potato, grated by hand or in a food processor
1 medium white onion, grated by hand or in a food processor

2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup flour
pinch of cumin
olive oil, for frying

1. Combine all ingredients except oil into a bowl and mix well.
2. Heat frying oil on nonstick pan.
3. Using a 1/8 cup measure spoon mixture into frying pan. Flatten mixture with a spatula to form a small cake.
4. Fry latkes in batches for 2 minutes on each side, or until golden.
5. Place on paper plates to drain oil, and season with salt if needed.
6. Serves with applesauce and sour cream.


Anonymous said...

May I have some right now please, just in time for lunch? :-)

Bryan said...

Damn! Those look tasty. You mind mailing one over to China? I'm just dying for a potato latke with sourcream and applesauce! (send some chop liver and kugel while your at it!)